All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in total
E23: MathAcademy and the efficient pursuit of mastery
There's something about MathAcademy that just works for learning math (for both kids and adults - ask Reddit!), and we're chatting with Justin Skycak - Chief Quant & D...

E22: Building HR software for dying on Mars?
Ammar Mian is a software engineer and the co-founder of startup health tech company Malla - and another former student of Oz's and Bradfield School of Computer Science...

E21: Make the easy things harder (with Madison Kanna)
Madison Kanna is a lifelong learner and self-taught programmer who learns in public, and Madison joins Oz and Charlie to share tactics for getting things done (with th...

E20: Jason Benn's path to ML engineering
Jason Benn is an ML engineer and truly the epitome of a lifelong learner (Cal Newport even wrote about Jason in one of his books on learning!). Oz and Charlie catch up...

E19: When failure is not an option
Does your summer roadtrip across America include Saturn V Rockets, self-driving cars, dinosaur bones, and maybe Kittyhawk? Well, then you might be Oz and family! Charl...

E18: Do you love programming as much as Thorsten Ball does?
Programming is the best! We're chatting with Thorsten Ball (self-published author of Writing an Interpreter in Go and Writing a Compiler in Go) about all of our mutual...

E17: 1000 Hours Away From Being Exceptional
Zach Latta is the founder of Hack Club ( Zach's a high school dropout who's now helped 30k high school students around the world start their own coding c...

E16: What if textbooks were actually fun?
Oz and Charlie brainstorm their "Stripe Press for kids" publishing idea! Shownotes:Klutz PressCharlie's blog post about Klutz PressHacker News discussion about Charlie...

E15: Finding your live wire for motivation
Brandon Hendrickson (creator of says no one's ever asked him about the sabertooth tiger skull in his Zoom background - until now! Brandon's a teach...

E14: Brit Cruise and the computer magic show
Brit Cruise creates educational videos, learning experiments, and other amazing things that "connect young people with their futures as young as possible." He's worked...

E13: Why some people learn much faster than others
Charlie wants to talk about the latest Paul Graham essay "How to Do Great Work" and Oz wants to talk about jiu-jitsu (again).Show notes:How to Do Great Work - Paul Gra...

E12: Two self-taught engineers building large scale data systems
We're joined by the co-founders of Warpstream Labs, Richie Artoul and Ryan Worl, to talk about how exploring your curiosity as a software engineer can lead to all sort...

E11: Helping kids fall in love with computers
Linda Liukas (author and illustrator of HELLO RUBY - "the world's most whimsical way to learn about computers, technology and programming") joins Oz and Charlie to dis...

E10: The magic of Bell Labs

E9: What makes programming fun? With Steve Krouse of
Steve Krouse is the founder of, a social network where you write and run - and maybe poke - code? Steve's a fellow computer science education and developer to...

E8: Should we stop doing this podcast?
Are we creating evil in the world with this podcast? Should Charlie feel guilty about playing Zelda? Do any Oz-approved video games exist? What's going on with Charlie...

E7: How Jesse Farmer designed the first coding bootcamp curriculum
It's time for instructional design and ed-tech history with Jesse Farmer! Jesse is the co-founder, Chief Product Officer, and academics lead of Dev Bootcamp - one of t...

E6: Can you develop an engineer's mindset?
Charlie wants to know if he can learn how to "think like an engineer", just like the Matt Damon/Mark Watney character in THE MARTIAN -- and Oz has some good suggestion...

E5: Omar the High-Octane Learning Machine
Omar Rayward attended one of the first ever coding bootcamp cohorts, now he's a Senior Staff Software Engineer. Oz and Charlie connect with Omar about his study habits...

E4: Packet losers
Charlie's unexpected packet loss devolves into a live Oz networking lesson.* Matt's (my) traceroute* How Verizon and a BGP Optimizer Knocked Large Parts of the Interne...

E3: Return to the quantum computing cave with Felix Tripier of IonQ
Oz and Charlie catch up with Felix Tripier - now a Senior Staff Software Engineer at quantum computing company IonQ - for the first time in three years! Felix was our ...

E2: Don't let a GPT have all the fun!
Is there a benefit to figuring things out the hard way? Why learn to read disassembly if you can just ask Chat GPT. We talk about this, as well as somehow the Piet pro...

E1: Doing meaningful work
We kick off The CS Primer Show with a conversation prompted by our mutual love of "You and Your Research" by Richard Hamming. This is an essay that Oz frequently recom...