E7: How Jesse Farmer designed the first coding bootcamp curriculum

It's time for instructional design and ed-tech history with Jesse Farmer! 

Jesse is the co-founder, Chief Product Officer, and academics lead of Dev Bootcamp - one of the earliest, most influential, and successful coding bootcamps - the bootcamp that started it all!


Creators and Guests

Oz Nova
Oz Nova
Learn computer science with me: async via https://t.co/7DJHcrvyg1 or live via https://t.co/3txqrpBkwi. Or, https://t.co/pDTuKaskQZ
Jesse Farmer
Jesse Farmer
Midwestern fella teaching folks how to code. Education, math, and pragmatism. Past: @MissionBit @DevBootcamp @Everlane ➡️ https://t.co/CyabmWIRre
E7: How Jesse Farmer designed the first coding bootcamp curriculum
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