E14: Brit Cruise and the computer magic show

Brit Cruise creates educational videos, learning experiments, and other amazing things that "connect young people with their futures as young as possible." He's worked with Khan Academy, Codecademy,  Pixar, Disney, Unity, and more to conjure up magical educational experiences for kids.


Creators and Guests

Oz Nova
Oz Nova
Learn computer science with me: async via https://t.co/7DJHcrvyg1 or live via https://t.co/3txqrpBkwi. Or, https://t.co/pDTuKaskQZ
Brit Cruise
Brit Cruise
I like to make things, sometimes they educate. cofounder https://t.co/mG55uK3ZjN creator @artoftheproblem & https://t.co/xLOfLgow1a // @khanacademy @codecademy @MysterySci
E14: Brit Cruise and the computer magic show
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