E9: What makes programming fun? With Steve Krouse of val.town

Steve Krouse is the founder of val.town, a social network where you write and run - and maybe poke - code? 

Steve's a fellow computer science education and developer tools enthusiast. We explore what makes programming fun - and how tools like val.town might just be able to recapture that joy we've all felt with computers before.


Creators and Guests

Oz Nova
Oz Nova
Learn computer science with me: async via https://t.co/7DJHcrvyg1 or live via https://t.co/3txqrpBkwi. Or, https://t.co/pDTuKaskQZ
Steve Krouse
Steve Krouse
founder @ValDotTown, all the code that's fit to run
E9: What makes programming fun? With Steve Krouse of val.town
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